Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Broker/RIA Administrator and Risk Client

Our Broker and RIA Administration and Risk Monitoring Tools allow both for the middle office administration of accounts and monitoring of Risk.  Not only can you monitor accounts, but you can also administer single accounts or multiple accounts (such as RIA allocations) The tools utilize streaming stock market data so you always have a instant view of accounts posing individual or firm Risk instantly.  In addition to being able to Monitor any facet of Risk around orders, positions, buying power or cash levels; the system will allow you to set firm level Risk Limits along with Groups of accounts Risk Limits.  The tools allow you to take action for single or multiple accounts quickly and efficiently to reduce any Risk to your firm.  Please call us to setup a WebEx demo of the tools.

  • Real Time Monitor accounts P&L and Buying Power
  • Risk Limits profiles
  • Execute orders in client accounts
  • Intraday Cash Adjustments
  • Commission, Orders, Positions editing
  • Positions monitoring
  • RIA Allocation tools and Allocation viewing — % of portfolio  calculations before allocation, Allocation by number of shares or dollar amount, drift, Rebalancing and Portfolios Allocations that includes basket trading (system calculates street facing basket for large numbers of inventory/prop allocations)
  • Fractional / Decimal Share allocations (sub $1)
  • Prop account orders, Inventory accounts